Monday 20 May 2013


My first thoughts on Tumblr are not amazing. I have just downloaded the iOS app for Tumblr and signed up. Tumblr is alright but is a bit boring like Instagram there's not much to do unlike Facebook or maybe twitter. I guess it may take a bit of time to get used to but for most of the time I'll be on Facebook and twitter. The annoying thing is if I wanted to follow (or stalk or like or subscribe) or whatever to a page/user I try to type in (example) Apple or an official company/thing like that and It just comes up with stuff people write about Apple which is very annoying but maybe Apple and things like that may not have tumblr but it still kind of annoys me. Anyway if it's what you want then i recommend tumblr. Oh and it has now been bought by Yahoo by the way.

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